Virgin Media野外销售部于2007年底正式结束

Jan 1 2008 by Flying Dragon

Virgin Media已于2007年12月正式取消在购物中心和城市繁忙街道工作的销售部门。

2007年,是Virgin Media集团正式诞生并做出重要奠基性的一年。年初,适应世界电信业发展的大势,Cable宽带旗手NTL、Telwest与移动供应商Virgin,合并成巨型媒体集团,以Cable & ADSL宽带、数字电视、电话、手机等全方位的服务,抢占电信竞争的有利位置。合并后身体机能的全面整合是必然的,也是巨大的,尤以CABLE宽带服务为重。当很多人包括它的众多职工,为Virgin Media诞生感到迷惑甚至鼓舞时,不会想到一个个令其瞠目的改变,甚至是关乎其命运的改变即将发生。

2007年秋季,正当众多留学生纷纷搬迁住址、安装网络时,Virgin Media正式推出CABLE宽带一户一个帐户的订制政策,由此结束了实行多年的一家多条订制的历史。这一变动无疑令CABLE宽带覆盖的主要城市和主要用户群,其中包括中国留学生群体深受影响。大量留学生被迫沮丧地选择共享,或安装麻烦且费用昂贵的ADSL宽带。

对Virgin Media而言,这一变动意味着对过去NTL投入巨资开发出来的用户市场的大举放弃。这一放弃,意义深远。集团下的重要组成部分NTL由此被真正打开解构锁,被迫向技术提升与机构精简找出路。


NTL野外销售队伍,在NTL市场开拓初期诞生。众所周知,没有这支队伍在户内外的转战奔波,就不会有NTL的黄金岁月。当然NTL也长期以高额的报酬支撑着它的存在。但是Virgin Media的诞生,拉响了这种队伍的挽歌。一户一个账户政策宣告了这支队伍的终结,集团内部的分流转岗与下岗,成为它必然的结局。

历史的任何进步,都是以放弃为前提。现在,在任何城市的街头和购物中心,你都不会再看到Virgin Media简易的销售点,以及迎面而来的销售人员的亲切面孔了!


Sky Launches phone, broadband and digital tv bundle


为了与BT的新的数字电视服务及将要诞生的Virgin Media 竞争,SKY推出一个新的三组套餐,名为“网上冲浪,说,看”。它包括8Mb宽带、电话(免夜晚和周末话费)、电视(6个组合)。这个庞大的组合,只需要顾客每月付£26。


SKY正在开发的这个组合,英国70%的地方都可以得到,但当前他们的顾客只有一半能得到,因为SKY的宽带受到LLU的限制。SKY期望到今年七月能将服务提供给其余的客户,但这需要小心,不要导致象Talk Talk开始时面对的问题,即连接上的漫长等待及顾客服务争端的发生。尽管£26的月租费是有竞争力的,但顾客仍然必须每月配£11电话线费给BT,如此,总费用要达到£37。同时还要有£20连接费。 宽带选择商业机构经理,查尔斯.厄沟先生说:“SKY这个捆绑是简单的,给电信市场一种耳目一新的感觉。然而,SKY必须保证让顾客的连接或转移不能超过二周。如果不出现象TalkTalk的情况,顾客就会接受它的服务。

Sky has launched a bundle to rival BT’s new digital TV service and the upcoming relaunch of Telewest and ntl as Virgin Media. Their new “Surf, Speak, See” package offers customers up to 8Mb broadband, telephony and Sky TV for an eye-catching £26 a month, offering free evening and weekend calls as well as some of Sky’s most popular TV channels including Sky One, National Geographic and MTV.

James Murdoch, Sky’s Chief Executive, said: “Our aim is to bring together TV, broadband and telephony in a way that challenges the established players and raises the bar for quality and value.”

However, Sky is marketing their package as being available to 70 per cent of the UK, but currently only half of their customers can get the deal, as their broadband is subject to local loop unbundling. Sky hopes to have reached the rest of their customer base by July this year, but need to be careful not to end up with the kind of problems initially faced by Talk Talk – long waits for connection and the ensuing customer service issues.

And while the £26 monthly fee is competitive, you still have to, albeit grudgingly, pay £11 a month to BT for your phone line, bringing your telecommunications total up to £37. There’s also a £20 connection fee.

Chris Eagle, BroadbandChoices Commercial Manager, said: “The Sky bundles are simple, which is refreshing in the communications market place. However, they must ensure that customers do not have to wait more than a couple of weeks to switch these enticing packages. Customers could do without another TalkTalk scenario” 
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