Sky 被评为2007年度最可靠、增长速度最快及最稳定的宽带网供应商

Jan 1 2008 by Flying Dragon


新年前夕,英国网络综合服务机构-“宽带选择”以此为重要指标,将宽带网供应划分为三个级别进行了综合测评。Up to 2MB为次重量级;Up to 8MB为巡洋舰级;Up to 16MB、20MB、24MB为重量级。

评比结果,Virgin Media获得重量级和次重量级金牌,SKY获得巡洋舰级金牌,超高速宽带网的先驱Be*赢得重量级银牌。SKY步入宽带网市场不足两年,在综合评比中迅速跃升为第一名,令人瞩目。

让每个用户都得到广告中声称的网速是不可能的,即使Virgin Media、SKY、Be*等金银牌的获得者也做不到。使用Virgin Media的2MB宽带,用户平均只获得1.7MB网速,20MB宽带平均只获得7.3MB网速。SKY的2MB宽带位居Virgins之后,8MB则位居第一,但用户平均只获得3.1MB网速。TalkTalk在任何级别里显现的结果都不佳,其8MB网用户平均只得到2.2MB网速。



VoIP On The Rise


BT声称,它提前六个月达到了它的目标,即1000,000网络电话用户,这表明使用新技术打电话的人在急骤增加。Ofcom预计,到2007年底,将有3000,000电脑对电脑的网络电话用户,另有1000,000个用网络电话打固定电话。BT零售部的客户和市场开发总经理凯文。帕特森说:因为网络电话使用简单方便、价格低,所以英国用户很高兴使用它。想要使用网络电话的用户,也能用象Skype, MSN和 Google Talk的服务。如果他们知道他们的朋友也在网上,那么通话将是完全的免费。然而,现在70%的家庭是依靠固定电话得到ADSL宽带,所以网络电话取代传统的电话还需要时间。专家指出:顾客在订制服务时,应该不仅仅关心宽带的服务,也要考虑到它所提供的电话服务,包括网络电话。

BT has announced its one millionth Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) customer six months ahead of target, indicating a sharp rise in the number of people using the innovative technology to make calls over the internet.

Ofcom predicts that by the end of this year the UK will have three million PC to PC VoIP users, with a further million using it to call traditional land lines, and businesses beginning to take note too.

Gavin Patterson, Managing Director of Consumer and Group Marketing for BT Retail said: “We now have more than a million customer accounts for our VoIP services and UK consumers are clearly happy to embrace internet telephony when it is straightforward to use and offers great value.”

Broadband users wanting to make use of VoIP can also use sites like Skype, MSN and Google Talk, and if they know when their friends will be online, calls can be made completely free of charge.

However, since 70 per cent of UK households rely on a landline for their ADSL connection (Ofcom), the time when VoIP replaces traditional landlines is still some way off.
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